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 Amirax, a wanderer among others. Special? You decide. My ap:

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Number of posts : 3
Registration date : 2008-02-03

Amirax, a wanderer among others. Special? You decide. My ap: Empty
PostSubject: Amirax, a wanderer among others. Special? You decide. My ap:   Amirax, a wanderer among others. Special? You decide. My ap: Icon_minitimeSun Feb 03, 2008 12:16 am

Good day to you, I guess I should use the template you so kindly supplied for me, so here goes nothing. I tend to ramble on into infinity on these kind of stuffs so I'll keep it short and simple.

What is you name, where are you from and how old are you?
My name's Johan, I'm 20 years old and I'm living in Sweden for now.. That's due to change though Smile

What are your hobbies or favours?
Mmh.. Hobbies.. Well, I love martial arts, I've practiced daido juku for about 6 years now, great fun.. Of course, I'm also a huge fan of manga and anime Wink Otherwise, why would I be playing RO? Smile Ah, yea, I'm also a huge fan of good music.. Good music as in anything at all, as long as it's _MUSIC_ and not some electronic jibberish some kid threw together on his computer and started a lil' bit of singalong with it..

What Class do you play?
Changes from day to day.. Depends on my mood really Smile Right now I'm a champion, but I'm thinking of switching to a Sniper or a Clown, that could be fun Smile

What is your equipment?
Uhm.. You want me to write it all down? Well my champion's using a mace w/ SK TG Inca Hydra, I'm a sphere champ atm.. Fun fun. Other items are made out to maximize dmg reduction, so I aimed for high def, HP and dmg reducting cards.. Got some +6 and +7 items, throwing me to about 40 def. Want more details? Talk to me ingame Smile

Do you have experiences?
Been playing EbilRO on Docobu for a long time.. Quit when I joined the army, but recently started playing again, something to do with my time Smile I've also played on EuphRO and FaithRO.. and also back on the real servers when RO was still beta and free to play.

How often do you play?
A little bit to often for my own good, I would say Smile

What are your old guilds?
Here on Sapphire I've only been in Ground Zero, but the people in there seemed to care more about hamstring the supplies they got for WoE and the salarys, than they cared about socializing.. So I left. On Docobu I've been in so many guilds that I can't even name them anymore.. Kings was the last one I belive, with Sray3600 and those guys.

Why you want to join FL?
I want a guild which focuses more on being social than just winning WoE's.. And FL has to be one of those guilds, otherwise you wouldn't have survived for this long Smile

I hope this aplication was enoyable for you to read.

Have a good day,
Yours truly,
Amirax, the DayDreamer.
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Number of posts : 3
Registration date : 2008-02-03

Amirax, a wanderer among others. Special? You decide. My ap: Empty
PostSubject: Updated   Amirax, a wanderer among others. Special? You decide. My ap: Icon_minitimeSun Feb 03, 2008 11:54 am

Greetings again Smile

I just wanted to tell you that I am now playing as a Sniper and I'd say a fairly good one as well Smile

Best Regards,
Amirax, the DayDreamer.
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Number of posts : 21
Registration date : 2007-12-12

Amirax, a wanderer among others. Special? You decide. My ap: Empty
PostSubject: Re: Amirax, a wanderer among others. Special? You decide. My ap:   Amirax, a wanderer among others. Special? You decide. My ap: Icon_minitimeSun Feb 03, 2008 6:38 pm

Oki, here we go:

For the first its a really good application, liked to read it. Ok, now some important questions:

What Char would you play fixed at WoE? Its not good to let the people change every WoE their classes thats why we have fixed classes at WoE. If you want to change it you should ask me first that i know what class we need again.

Do you play WoE often? I dont think its possible for members to play every WoE but they should do it often.

Oki, you know where you can find me ingame.
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Number of posts : 3
Registration date : 2008-02-03

Amirax, a wanderer among others. Special? You decide. My ap: Empty
PostSubject: Re: Amirax, a wanderer among others. Special? You decide. My ap:   Amirax, a wanderer among others. Special? You decide. My ap: Icon_minitimeSun Feb 03, 2008 6:46 pm

Good day again sir.

Well, if I could sell some stuff and buy some bascojin cards I'd love to play a high priest, I love pure supporting characters. Otherwise, a champion or a high wizard would probably be on my list of wantings.

I can't play that many woe's really, that's why I'm searching for a guild that's primarily social, but I do attend 2-3 a week.

If you let me join I'll happily let Amirax stay fixed, and a secondary char for playing around on and switching around so that it won't affect the guild.

Over n' out,
Amirax, the DayDreamer
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Amirax, a wanderer among others. Special? You decide. My ap: Empty
PostSubject: Re: Amirax, a wanderer among others. Special? You decide. My ap:   Amirax, a wanderer among others. Special? You decide. My ap: Icon_minitime

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