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Ragnarok EbilRO Guild
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Number of posts : 1
Registration date : 2007-12-16

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PostSubject: Application   Application Icon_minitimeSun Dec 16, 2007 8:47 pm

Hi there Smile

Well, since that sticky is written in english... Ill give my best What a Face

My name is Gregor and Im from germany as well. Im 19 years old and still go to school, that means im tryin to get my god damn abitur atm affraid
I play basketball (--> Basketball ) and judo since serveral years, on the weekend I meet friend and.. well such normal stuff .
I usually have freetime enough, means few hours a day and maybe more if i want.

I came to EbilRO 2 days ago and this is why i dont have any equipment yet, nor any idea how WoE works there x_X
This actually shouldnt be a problem, i have started to play RO when i was 14, on euRO btw, and really have played lots of WoEs.
Of course i wanna play WoE again, WoE times fit pretty well for me.
My old guild on euRO was GoW (Guardians of wisdom, those from euro might probably remember) and yes, we ve hated fl and all those Geffen guilds xD
Well, 2 years ago i ve changed to another private PK server cause I didnt really like pvp on euRO. I left the server cause of currupt GMs and such shit.
Thats it, here I am Very Happy

I just reached max lvl with my prof and after a a little conversation with yuuna i decided to apply here.
Maybe its because of the nostalgic feeling I got when I saw that fl-guildemblem, who knows ^^'

Well, I think it wont take too long until I get useful in WoE when some of u guys give me some tips what stuff you have on that server and such things.

Fine I', done, thanks to yuuna again for the nice introduction and hopfully we meet next WoE Wink
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Number of posts : 21
Registration date : 2007-12-12

Application Empty
PostSubject: Re: Application   Application Icon_minitimeSun Dec 16, 2007 8:54 pm


thanks for your apply.(im german too but for guild i write in english) My biggest interest is in what class you would like to play? A Prof is not that expensive and because i "quitted" my Prof because i got my Sin back it would be nice to have a good Support Prof. Atm we have 3 people played at Euro i think, Yuuna was in FL and i was in Elements so we are not that pserver noobs. It is easy to learn on a pserver, equipment is just a little different.
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